
周一我们开启了社区的一个可以是很宏大的工程,记录俄勒冈生活的华人,我们的生活和故事。这将是一个多年活动计划,通过广泛采访本地华人,用他们的故事描绘出华人在这块土地跨越一个世纪的生活。这项工作将会由OCC青少年视角(Youth Lens)的同学承担,我们社区青少年导师Frances则会全方位指导同学们的工作。第一位接受Helen和Annie两位同学采访是一直生活在波特兰91岁的Gloria Wong。期待着她们制作的第一个作品问世。


On Monday, we started a project in the community, recording the Chinese Americans living in Oregon, our lives and stories. This will be a multi-year plan, through extensive interviews with local Chinese, using their stories to describe the life of Chinese in this land spanning a century. This work will be undertaken by the students of OCC Youth Lens, and Frances, our community youth mentor, will guide the students. Gloria Wong, who was nearly 90 years old and lived in Portland, was the first to be interviewed by Helen and Annie.
