
直到前一天晚上查看天气预报心里的一块石头才算落了地,怪不得人们都说波特兰的五月天气让人玩的就是一个心跳,但是,几次活动下来,老天真的是长眼一般,几乎是掐着表把最好的天气给了我们。因此,文化体验日当天所有传统文化元素,包括中国书法、传统舞蹈、武术,手工,乐器和美食等等,都得以完美呈现给了大家。此次活动是我们加强学生之间、文化之间和人际之间联系的一个聚会。我们希望本次文化日可以激励和增强正在学习中文的学生们的信心,同时推动跨文化交流,加深不同文化之间的了解和尊重。实际上这也是 THPRD 邀请我们免费使用这个场地并提供几乎所有后勤支援的主要原因。从这个意义上说,此次活动也是社区伙伴之间合作完美的体现。


What a fantastic success for our first Culture Day! The beautiful weather, great attendance, and diverse activities provided attendees with an immersive experience of Chinese culture. We hope that this event will inspire and boost the confidence of students who are learning Chinese language, as well as promote cross-cultural understanding among all attendees.

We extend our sincere gratitude to all the volunteers, performers, and sponsors who made this event possible. Your hard work and dedication have truly paid off, and we look forward to building upon this success for future events.

