
社区的一个家庭通过 OCC将自己全部家具和日用物品捐赠给当地的乌克兰社区,帮助从自己国家逃难而来的家庭。乌克兰社区领袖表示,“No words to describe our gratitude to Chinese community in Oregon! ❤️”

OCC还向乌克兰当地社区捐赠了一台VAC机器(extriCARE 3600泵系统),他们将帮助运送回乌克兰,以挽救为自己家园而战的士兵的生命。为此,乌克兰社区脸书有非常感人的一段话,“Dear friends! We are so grateful for people who stand with us, who help us! Today’s gratitude post is for #OregonChineseCoalition and all members of Oregon’s Chinese community who raised money for this medical equipment! This VAC machine will save more than one life, more than one limb and ability to have normal life after serious injuries in this war!! For those who protect their land, their families, our democratic future!!”
