503-334-1010 面向全州华人社区热线电话正式开通


请您不要出于好奇而测试这个号码 因为这个号码的背后牵涉到数个值班的义工。在何种情况下应该拨打这个热线电话,请参见热线电话专页上列举的几种情况,包括街头遇到袭击,街头走失或迷路,一时失去活动能力,紧急情况下需要翻译,接到房东驱逐通知,和有轻生念头等。我们正在设计有特色的安全口哨,上面刻有热线电话号码,方便社区成员尤其是学生和老人们佩戴使用。


Statewide Chinese American Community Support support (503-334-1010) goes live now!

The circumstances under which this support should be called include being attacked or getting lost on the street, temporarily incapacitated, needing an interpreter in an emergency, receiving an eviction notice from a landlord, and experiencing suicidal thoughts. We are designing a distinctive safety whistle with a support number engraved on it, which is convenient for community members, especially students and the elderly.

Life is beautiful and the road is long, and it is inevitable that sometimes you will get lost or fall. There is community here and we will move forward together.
