Danica Leung - Gold Award

School: Lincoln High School
Category: Young Adults (16-25)
Hours: 256

Danica is a junior at Lincoln High School. She is a fierce advocate for student activism, education, and political engagement. After the 2016 election and her time on her school’s nationally ranked Constitution Team, she was inspired to devote her time to community education and change. She is the captain of the policy debate team, where she teaches and coaches her novice and varsity teammates on political advocacy and analysis. She is also a peer educator with Planned Parenthood’s Teen Council, where she teaches comprehensive peer-led sex education to numerous classrooms all over Portland. During the 2020 election, she became a state lead for Oregon My School Votes, which worked to register high schoolers to vote all over the state of Oregon. As a result of her work, the organization launched a successful social media campaign, created a video to be shown in dozens of classrooms, and ultimately registered over 60+ people. From these experiences, Danica became a more conscientious and compassionate community member, as well as a better educator and leader. She has discovered just how fundamental education is to social advocacy, and she is proud that her work is able to make a difference in her community.

Oregon Chinese Coalition is proud to join the President of the United States in recognizing the volunteers who consistently take the time to make a difference in the lives of others. Therefore, it is a great honor to present the President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) to Danica Leung.
