
清明时节雨纷纷,昨天有这么一些人来到SE的Lone Fir墓地,纪念我们的先人,尤其是曾经埋葬在那里的华工。记得一年半前社区二十几位同学和他们的家人给Metro寄出去一封封催人泪下的信件,促成了Metro的拨款决定。现在设计师已经选定,纪念园将在2025年开工。看着设计方案草图,让人期盼,但是这么多年展露在人们面前的荒芜希望不要被我们忘记。


It rained on and off during the first Qingming Festival. Yesterday, a small group of people came to the Lone Fir cemetery to commemorate our ancestors, especially the Chinese workers who were once buried there. A year and a half ago, two dozen classmates and their families in the community sent Metro’s tear-jerking letters, which led to Metro’s funding decision. Now that the designer has been selected, the memorial will start construction in 2025. Looking at the design sketches, people look forward to it, but the barren that has been exposed to people for so many years will not be forgotten by us.
