Youth Mentoring Pilot Project

OCC Youth Mentoring Pilot Project 正式启动

这项活动一直是要做的,但是迟迟找不到最适合我们社区的方式,因此就放在了一边,即便我们一直努力通过其他形式,如青少年大会和圆桌会,为社区青少年的成长铺路。但是,集体活动毕竟无法替代一对一和面对面的交流,在社区活动中我们愈发感到尽快把这项活动开展起来的必要性和迫切性。文化节过后,我们又花费了不少的时间,力争做足了功课,应该说现在可以作为pilot project推出来。

目前的mentors能够接收的孩子的人数会十分的有限,一到三个不等。当然,我们会随时添加新的mentors。我们希望无论是想成为mentor还是mentee,都请认真读一下 Mentoring program guidelines。争取到年底,所有的mentors和mentees能聚在一起,认真总结经验,把我们社区的mentoring program最终完善起来。


OCC has launched its Youth Mentoring Pilot Project!

We encourage community members to become a mentor for our kids. Mentoring is always a huge gap in our community. We all know it but always lack of actions. Don’t need to be perfect, you can gain experience along the way. Nothing in this world can be more rewarded than growing up with the kids around you.

If you want to join our mentorship program, either as a mentor or mentee, please contact us.

For more details, please visit:
